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Food Pantry- Neighbor to Neighbor
OBT operates two food pantries as part of the Food Bank’s Neighbor To Neighbor program. With the help of faithful volunteers, OBT organizes the collection of food donations from local grocery stores and farmers’ markets to distribute to those in need. OBT also participates in the USDA program administered by the HR Food Bank in association with the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) & Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) that allow agencies like OBT to provide healthy, USDA-approved products to low-income families and individuals, and seniors


Happy Bottoms Diaper program:
OBT operates a diaper distribution program out of its two locations as part of the Greater Hampton Roads Diaper Bank. As a diaper bank partner, OBT acquires diapers from the Greater Hampton Roads Diaper bank and purchases additional diapers and wipes to distribute to those in need. OBT also partners with the Departments of Social Services in surrounding cities, agencies and hospitals who refer clients in need of diapers, food and children's clothing.


Youth Basketball Game

Inner-City Sports
Inner-City Sports is a gang prevention program providing access to sports and recreational activities in which all children can be reached. The volunteer mentors assist coaches in teaching team play and character including anger management and moral strength including the importance of integrity, and mutual respect. Inner-City Sports is a strong tool to win the hearts of the entire family. OBT partners with the Newport News Parks and Recreation, BLNC and Christopher Newport University and donors to administer the program. 


Holiday Baskets and Gifts
For over 20 years, OBT has provided Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets to the homeless and at-risk families on the Peninsula during November and December. These baskets include all the traditional food items that make for wonderful holiday meals. We also provide age-appropriate toys and gifts for members of these families. 

Stand Up Meeting

Project Prodigies
Project Prodigies is program designed to teach college students and leaders of non-profit organizations the fundamentals of project management via Community Engaged Learning. The results include college graduates ready to take on project management jobs and viable projects that support and enhance the ability of non-profit organizations to meet the needs of the local community. 

Charity Work

Strategic Partnerships

OBT has continuously served our targeted communities for decades and is now expanding our reach through strategic partnerships to provide job placement support, mentoring, access to dental care and support for victims of human trafficking and domestic abuse.

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